Have a Question? Need an Answer? Below is a list of frequently asked questions & their answers!
Ordering & Shipping Questions
Eyeco ships all of its orders via USPS priority mail. FIRST CLASS MAIL: Eyeco now offers first class mail on orders of 14 pair and under.
Eyeco ships nationally and internationally at the USPS priority, global priority or first class rates with a handling charge of $1.50.
Eyeco orders are tracked to point of delivery. Tracking information is provided at time of shipment when an email address is provided.
Eyeco will exchange eyes having manufacturing defects once the eyes have been returned and examined at Eyeco. Please contact Eyeco before returning any product for exchange or credit.
Eyeco accepts PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card and American Express.
Eyes normally will ship 2 to 3 weeks after receipt of your order. If you have an immediate requirement, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Your order will be charged at time of checkout.
Eyeco does accept Paypal as a method of payment. Please check with Paypal for additional information on this service.
All of Eyeco's eyes are sold in pairs.
Eye colors will be different on each display. When you receive your eyes, they may look slightly different under various lighting.
Dealership Questions
All Dealership questions and/or requests for dealership information should be directed to Bill Moran at Eyeco. To expedite your request, please be sure to include all of your contact information in your inquiry (Name, mailing address, phone number & valid email address) You can contact Bill via the following methods:
Mailing address:
PO Box 10580
Glendale, AZ 85318
Eye Questions
Each of Eyeco’s lines enjoy a 275 degree Fahrenheit bake temperature rating as well as a broad and deep color range. The PolyGlass© series offers a collector quality half round eye with high reflectance. The Platinum Glass collector quality line is Eyeco’s LivingEye® in that it offers a human reflection of light as well as the ability to conform to a less than perfect beveling of the eye socket. The ULTRA eye has many of the features of the Platinum Glass line with the addition of being hand made at the time of order, incorporating complex designs and a high reflective surface.
A huge part of the eye selection process is personal preference. Our PolyGlass© eyes are a hard polymer & are shatter resistant & heat resistant up to 275 degrees Farhenheit (135 degrees Celsius) Our Platinum and Ultra lines are soft silicone glass eyes, they are flexible and will bend to fit odd shaped eye openings. Because of their nature, they are open to more detail options and are considered to be a more realastic eye than the PolyGlass© eye.
Each artist will select an eye size dependent upon the look they are trying to achieve with a greater or lesser amount of white shown in the doll’s eye. Normally, the eye is chosen by measuring the opening of the eye socket and adding 1 mm to that measurement. Although this a general rule larger, and smaller in the case of the Platinum Glass line, can be used to satisfy the various needs of the artist.
This is dependent upon the method of how the eyes are retained in the eye socket. Since Eyeco will be unfamiliar with the materials used in construction of the doll head and the method of attachment of the eyes (methods differ from as simple as retention of the eye by springs to as permanent as imbedding in epoxy), we hesitate to recommend a specific method as our lack of knowledge could result in damage to your doll.
Other Questions
Eyeco does not share, sell or distribute customer information.
Eyeco Ltd's terms of use can be viewed by clicking here, Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use Policy.
For your convenience, you can contact us three ways:
Mailing address:
PO Box 10580
Glendale, AZ 85318